Thursday, January 10, 2008

Begin with yourself

For 2008, I decided to send more time reading. I hope to think a bit more about how I interact with the world around and make a more significant impact in 2008.

My first book for the year was "for one more day" authored by Mitch Albom who became known for his earlier book "The Five People You Meet in Heaven"

The book revolved around a man who was at his wits end emotionally, financially and he decided to take his own life. In his attempt to kill himself in his hometown, he causes an accident and in a state inbetween living and death, he meets his deceased mother who had been his emotional rock in his life.

Many a times, when we focus too much on our work, we tend to forget life is a balancing act between our responsibilities. These responsibilities include time for the family, physical activities, spiritual nurturing and self renewal.

My past and current long hours at the office often times leaving after 8.00pm compromises my time with my family. Especially when I get home after 9pm and my youngest daughter is already asleep. Weekends are spent running errands, grocery shopping and sometime a bit of exercise.

A self assessment on my current lifestyle confirms an inbalance. The results of this inbalance is now prominently visible for all to see.

Physically, I have gained over 5kg. My frame has gone flabby and my stamina is low. A result of a lack of exercise. I have been putting off my physical fearing adverse report.

My shortage of time in reviewing my sons school progress has left me a long catchup with how they are feeling adapting to a chinese language school. We comunicate in English at home.

Most of all, I have short changed myself in self reflection, in taking a step out of the loop to view how I had faired todate. A step which provides opportunity for fine tuning myself before rejoining the rat race. I have forgotten how useful this has been.

As the saying goes, it's always a good time to put events in one's life in perspective so that we are able to make our adjustments to suit the direction we want to take.

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